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Angelo Montanaro | 
Clarinet, Bass Clarinet & Saxophone
Giorgio Dellarole | Accordion
Lorenzo Micheli | Guitar
Daniele De Pascalis | Double Bass
Daniele Vineis | Percussion

Massimo Felici | Conductor and Banjo

Recorded at SMC Studios, Ivrea, Italy,
15 & 16. January 2010; 21. April 2011

Morning in Iowa
David Knopfler | Ensemble 05
CD Soundset SR 1043 (2012)
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
(Firenze, 1895 – Los Angeles, 1968)

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1 This is the kinship and the brotherhood
Allegro moderato ma festoso
This is the brotherhood, the heart and soul
Lo stesso tempo

2 Mary Hilda was all New England
Young Kit Vance was from Colorado
The high-bodied trucks go rocking up the
Cape at midnight

Un poco mosso (but heavy)

3 American mountains, how they pull the heart
Moderato. Quiet and serene
(on an American Indian theme –
Zuni Sunrise Song)

I think I’ll take the cattle East this time

4 The railroad crosses the pass
between Raton and Trinidad

Mosso (with the movement of a train…)

5 It was an orange from Fernanda’s hills
Tempo di Habanera (like a Spanish folk-song)
Connor of Kansas, going home that night
Un poco mosso
Around him lay his country calm and still
Andantino (quiet and serene, but not slow)
He touched his brake and stiffened in his seat

6 He was a careful man, and wary
Un poco mosso (in a Ballad tone)
And he’d leave the girl with a solid farmer
Same tempo (reprise of the Ballad)
Everyone has such a tale or legend in his heart
Quiet and soft (in a memory mood)

7 The legend, or the river, led him South
Andante calmo (slow and lazy)
My father was tall and mountain slim
March-like (in a Ballad tone)

8 Mary worked in the corn
Andantino pastorale

9 So there was Kit in St. Louis
Moderato, quasi recitativo – Più mosso a piacere
(quasi cadenza) – Tempo di Blues

10 Night of cicadas
Very slow, vague and distant
Ed couldn’t marry, for he had no money
Un poco mosso (rustic and sad)
My mother grew up in an Ozark clearing
Same tempo

11 This is the will and testament of youth
Moderato – Solenne (like a Hymn)
He closed his eyes and felt the air
Slow and dreamy

12 But we forget the land
Quiet and nostalgic (but not too slow – on an
American Indian theme, of the Zuni tribe)

Mary Hilda worked in the corn
Allegretto (simple and tuneful)
Mary Hilda hummed a tune
Same tempo

13 The sun came up next day a copper color
Very slow – Vague et mysterious
Now Willie was a man in Alabama
Allegretto (like a Ballad)
The rain
Fast (with a steady and regular speed, like a “Toccata”)
She put her shawl around her
Un poco mosso e agitato (in the same mood of
“The Rain”, but slightly slower)

14 A lonely girl can kiss away her heart
Tender and longing (but somehow restless)
And Mary walked out in the rain
Un poco agitato
…and then went over with a splash…
Mosso e agitato
And Mary, coming to the river at last
Sempre mosso e agitato
She had a moment still in which to wonder
Very quiet and thoughtful
There was a cabin nearby on the sands
Same tempo

15 This is the one – she whispered – that I love
Very quiet (but fluent)
Here on this earth much garlanded with love
Un poco più mosso (quiet and fluent), quasi Allegretto

16 Iowa morning, shining in the light
Same tempo of the beginning